Altarpiece with Votive Offerings. Wire mesh and other materials. 183×100 cm. 1989 January 27, 1989 admin Comments Off on Altarpiece with Votive Offerings. Wire mesh and other materials. 183×100 cm. 1989
Journey to the Center of the Earth. Tar paper, glass fibre, wire mesh, metal rings, velcro and fabric. Column, diam. 36 cm. Max. height 5 meters. 1987 January 27, 1987 admin Comments Off on Journey to the Center of the Earth. Tar paper, glass fibre, wire mesh, metal rings, velcro and fabric. Column, diam. 36 cm. Max. height 5 meters. 1987
Arm and Shadow of the Murdering Mother Dyed paper and gauze. 200x52x52 cm. 1987 January 27, 1987 admin Comments Off on Arm and Shadow of the Murdering Mother Dyed paper and gauze. 200x52x52 cm. 1987
Detail of “Rockwool Altarpiece”. Molded and dyed paper with rockwool. 105×75 cm. 1986 January 28, 1986 admin Comments Off on Detail of “Rockwool Altarpiece”. Molded and dyed paper with rockwool. 105×75 cm. 1986
Beds through a glass. Gauze and mixed media on paper. 150×90 cm. 1986 January 28, 1986 admin Comments Off on Beds through a glass. Gauze and mixed media on paper. 150×90 cm. 1986
Cruel Bed #2. Mixed media on paper and burlap. 220×130 cm. 1986 January 28, 1986 admin Comments Off on Cruel Bed #2. Mixed media on paper and burlap. 220×130 cm. 1986
Cruel Bed #1. Mixed media on paper and burlap. 235×130 cm. 1986 January 27, 1986 admin Comments Off on Cruel Bed #1. Mixed media on paper and burlap. 235×130 cm. 1986
Altarpiece of the Original Sin #1. Paper and tempera collage on gauze. 100×40 cm. 1986 January 27, 1986 admin Comments Off on Altarpiece of the Original Sin #1. Paper and tempera collage on gauze. 100×40 cm. 1986
Unfinished Journey. Gauze, nonwoven, wadding, velcro. Max. height 7 meters. 32 cm. width in canvas bag. 1986 January 27, 1986 admin Comments Off on Unfinished Journey. Gauze, nonwoven, wadding, velcro. Max. height 7 meters. 32 cm. width in canvas bag. 1986